Compiled by Klaus Peham
Todays generation of music organisers would be well advised to do an apprenticeship with Ingrid and Franz.
Oskar Aichinger, musician and composer
Thank you Wiener Musik Galerie for your adventures in the lands of imagination and freedom!
Pierre-Laurent Aimard, pianist
They opened up a wide horizon that goes far beyond the ideas and possibilities of other concert organisers.
Volker Altmann, french-hornist and member of Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
apart from the musical satisfactions, I remember it as one of the best organized and most friendly events I have ever taken part in.
Derek Bailey, musician
Whoever wants to say a few words about Wiener Musik Galerie can only do so in a tone of admiration and awe.
Werner Burkhardt, editor, Süddeutsche Zeitung
like master archers, one were to hit the bulls eye when it looks as if one had been aiming a little to one side ...
Philippe Carles, editor in chief, Jazz Magazine, Paris
In my eyes, Wiener Musik Galerie has always been an exemplary institution. Hats off!
Alois Fischer, Jazzatelier Ulrichsberg, Ulrichsberger Kaleidophon
What memories I have of this concert in Vienna!
André Hodeir, composer and author
Wiener Musik Galerie: a salon that extends to all corners of the world.
Wolfgang Kos, journalist, Vienna
Wiener Musik Galerie has been and still is a prime mover of musical energy. It has big ears which take in sounds worldwide and then breastfeed the ears of our town.
Peter Kubelka, film maker
a devoted commitment to New Music which generated a tremendous response.
Hans Landesmann, programme director music, Vienna Festival
In the 20 years of its existence, Wiener Musik Galerie has made a considerable contribution to renew the understanding of contemporary music.
Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, Executive City Councillor of Cultural Affairs and Science of the City of Vienna
With a great deal of empathy and energy for tradition against tradition.
Peter Noever, director Museum of Applied Arts (MAK), Vienna
commonsense, sensitivity and persistence, with the courage to be unpopular and with a superlative appreciation of art that is an argumentative position in itself.
Bert Noglik, journalist
a work, beneficial for the musical life of Vienna in general and for many other concert organisers.
Ursula Pasterk, Viennese Executive City Councillor for Culture, 198796, director of the Vienna Festival 198491
Twenty years of hard work for the arts, for the outstanding, twenty years of swimming against the mainstream tide.
Paul Polansky, head of jazz department and music production, ORF radio, 198090
Without Wiener Musik Galerie my fine-arts experience wouldnt be as complex as it is today.
Dieter Ronte, director Kunstmuseum Bonn
Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, gallery nächst St. Stephan, Vienna
As is well known, this is a very strange sort of gallery.
Paul Steinhardt, Deutsche Structured Finance, between the lines, Frankfurt
Rays of light, shining beacons.
Peter Niklas Wilson, journalist